Explosive weapons
Explosive weapons including landmines and cluster munitions continue to kill and injure civilians in countries all around the world.

© G. Dubourthoumieu/HI
Explosive weapons including landmines and cluster munitions continue to kill and injure civilians in countries all around the world.
© G. Dubourthoumieu/HI
Over half of the world's countries are affected by contamination from landmines, cluster munitions and explosive remnants of war.
These weapons can lie dormant for many years, claiming victims long after a conflict has ended. They are a significant cause of disability, instilling fear in whole communities, deepening poverty and acting as a lethal barrier to development.
Faced with the devastation caused by antipersonnel landmines and cluster munitions, the founders of HI soon realised that medical care alone would not be enough. We therefore made a commitment to work on all levels to help mine victims and their communities lead independent lives.
Over the years, Humanity & Inclusion has evolved into the world's most comprehensive mine action organisation, working to prevent accidents and support the victims.
Our teams of deminers identify and clear weapons including landmines and cluster bombs. We work to educate the local population about the risks.
We also support the rehabilitation of survivors, through artificial limb fitting, physiotherapy, and psychological support. And we help survivors back into society through projects including them in education, income-generating activities, and sport.
HI was created in 1982 in response to the horrific landmine injuries suffered by Cambodian refugees. Soon, we realised that action needed to be taken at an international level to ban these indiscriminate weapons.
HI played a key role in founding the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, for which we were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, following the signing of the Mine Ban Treaty in 1997.
We are a founding member of the Cluster Munition Coalition we actively support the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which came into effect on 1st August 2010.
HI is also a founder and co-ordinating member of Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, which monitors these two international treaties and produces annual reports on their implementation. And we are a founding member of the International Network on Explosive Weapons.
During recent armed conflicts, explosive weapons have been used on a massive scale, killing and injuring thousands of civilians. When explosive weapons are used in populated areas, a shocking 90% of casualties are civilians.
Humanity & Inclusion is working to build a massive movement to stop the bombing of civilians. Find out more
Urgent action is needed to protect children and families!
Humanity & Inclusion knows from experience that an artificial limb alone doesn’t change the life of an amputee. Our approach to rehabilitation is based on the recognition of individual needs, taking into account a person’s individual situation, their environment and the local services available.
Good health is an essential part of a person's wellbeing and independence. Whether improving access to local health services, working to prevent the causes of disability, or providing psychological support to the survivors of violence and war, all HI's actions serve one purpose: to ensure that everyone, including disabled people, has equal access to information, health services and care.
There are an estimated one billion disabled people worldwide, 80% of whom live in developing countries. Disabled people are commonly the poorest of the poor in society, experiencing social exclusion and discrimination at all levels.
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Humanity & Inclusion UK
Romero House
55 Westminster Bridge Road
UK registered charity no. 1082565
Humanity & Inclusion UK
Romero House,
55 Westminster Bridge Road,
UK registered charity no. 1082565