Working with the media
Information for journalists interested in covering HI's work and getting expert insight from our staff.
Information for journalists interested in covering HI's work and getting expert insight from our staff.
Humanity & Inclusion staff members regularly offer their insight to the media on topics including disability, humanitarian emergencies, explosive weapons, rehabilitation and more. We have a wide range of expert spokespeople in the UK and in our countries of operation who are available for interviews with UK and international journalists.
We can facilitate access to HI staff and projects and provide a wide range of high quality reports, case studies, photos and videos.
For journalists planning trips to countries in which HI works, we may be able to provide information before travelling, support with logistics, and briefings on arrival, along with access to our staff, projects and the people we support.
For more information, please get in touch with our press team by emailing [email protected] or call +44 (0)870 774 3737.
The following Humanity & Inclusion experts are available for interview:
George is responsible for Humanity & Inclusion UK, leading a dynamic team to deliver an ambitious UK strategy aligned with our vision and values.
Before joining HI, George spent thirteen years at Save the Children and five years at the International Rescue Committee, working on humanitarian response, programme quality, policy, advocacy and campaigns. He has worked in the Middle East, East Africa, India and the Balkans, and for many years led Save the Children’s humanitarian influencing work, including its global Stop the War on Children campaign.
Humanity & Inclusion has a team of technical experts who support our local staff working on projects around the world. We have specialists on a range of topics including:
Please contact our press team to be put in touch with a relevant technical expert.
Marlène Manning, Senior Media & Communication Officer
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0)7934 602 961
Tel.: +44 (0)870 774 3737
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Humanity & Inclusion UK
Romero House
55 Westminster Bridge Road
UK registered charity no. 1082565
Humanity & Inclusion UK
Romero House,
55 Westminster Bridge Road,
UK registered charity no. 1082565