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Rights of Rohingya refugees should be guaranteed in any relocations

Press Statement | London, 29th December 2020, 12:00 GMT

Authorities in Bangladesh are relocating thousands of Rohingya refugees to Bhasan Char, an island in the Bay of Bengal. 750,000 Rohingya - including more than 400,000 children - are living as refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, since the eruption of violence in Myanmar in August 2017.

Gilles Nouzies, Head of Humanity & Inclusion's Asia programmes said:

“Any project of relocations of Rohingya refugees from Cox’s Bazar camps to the island of Bhasan Char should only proceed if the United Nations deems the island both habitable and assures the human rights of residents: Rohingyas should be guaranteed the right to free movement, safety, healthcare, education, legal support and livelihoods. Any relocation or repatriation of Rohingya refugees should also be voluntary-based and done with their clear consent.”

Humanity & Inclusion has been working in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh since 2007 and was one of five NGOs on the ground that responded to the needs created by the mass influx of refugees in August 2017. The organisation delivers a range of activities, in particular rehabilitation care and psychological support to vulnerable refugees, many of whom have disabilities or significant medical conditions. It also provides refugees with information on the risks from Covid-19 and how to protect themselves and prevent transmission. In addition, HI distributes emergency aid directly as well as running aid storage and distribution facilities to transport aid for other NGOs.


- Interviews available on request

Press contact

Vikki Furse, Humanity & Inclusion UK
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0)7447 400762

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Co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Humanity & Inclusion is an international NGO working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. With donor support, we work tirelessly alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable groups to help meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

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