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HI’s work in Lebanon aims to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable, including people with disabilities. HI also conducts clearance operations in areas contaminated by explosive ordnances during the civil war.

Our actions

Ahlam, a young Syrian amputee, Lebanon - HI

Ahlam, a young Syrian amputee, Lebanon - HI | © Elias Saade / HI

HI started its operations in Lebanon in 1992, focusing on the provision of rehabilitation services in the Palestinian refugee camps and of mental health programs. The organisation has also been promoting the rights of people with disabilities.

Since 2011, HI has been supporting Syrian refugees and the Lebanese community affected by the war in Syria. HI ensures that people with disabilities receive appropriate rehabilitation care, assistive devices (prostheses and orthotics) and psychosocial support.

The organisation supports the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Lebanese society and promotes their access to basic services (education, health, etc.). HI improves the inclusion of children with disabilities to mainstream schools and also support a better access to mental health services.

In the past 10 years, HI contributed to the clearance operations in the North of Lebanon, following the Lebanese civil war on the 80s: HI is presently carrying out mine clearance operations in Mount Lebanon.

At last, HI trains humanitarian workers of fellow organisations to better include people with disabilities in their programmes.

Latest stories

Massive airstrikes in Lebanon kill and injure hundreds
© HI

Massive airstrikes in Lebanon kill and injure hundreds

Massive bombing creates panic and aggravates the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon.

HI supports Hayat and her caregiver sister
© HI
Emergency Inclusion Rehabilitation

HI supports Hayat and her caregiver sister

Hayat, 63 years old, was born with cerebral palsy. Her life is harder since she was forced to flee the attacks on her village in southern Lebanon near the border with Israel.

Mohammed, 8 is deeply impacted by the escalating violence in South Lebanon
© HI
Emergency Rehabilitation

Mohammed, 8 is deeply impacted by the escalating violence in South Lebanon

Mohammed, 8 has cerebral palsy. As a child with a disability, he is deeply impacted by the escalating violence in South Lebanon.


Map of HI's interventions in Lebanon

Lebanon is deeply affected by an economic crisis, which was aggravated by the COVID pandemic. More than 50% of the population currently lives under the poverty line.

The country continues to welcome 1 million refugees who have fled the 12-year war in Syria. Lebanon is also home to a large community of Palestinian refugees, mainly living in informal camps.  These refugees find it particularly difficult to access basic services like health and education. Besides, people with disabilities, particularly in rural and isolated areas, are invisible and are overlooked by the humanitarian response. These populations are becoming increasingly vulnerable over time.

As a result of several decades of intermittent conflict, clearance efforts continue. The population continues to be affected by mines and explosive remnants of war, with some victims requiring life-long assistance to live with their injuries.

Number of HI staff members: 45

Date the programme opened: 1992

Where we work