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Susan: “My school is different from other schools”


In Kalobeyei refugee camp in Kenya, children with disabilties can have access to school thanks to the support of Humanity & Inclusion's team. Susan, head teacher of the camp’s inclusive school, explains its benefits.

Susan, head teacher at the inclusive school in Kalobeyei refugee camp in Kenya, visits the students during a maths lesson.

Susan, head teacher at the inclusive school in Kalobeyei refugee camp in Kenya, visits the students during a maths lesson. | © Elizabeth Sellers / HI

Susan, a teacher committed to education for children with disabilities.

Susan has been a teacher for 12 years. She is head of Kalobeyei pre-school, which welcomes children with disabilities.Susan, head teacher at the inclusive school in Kalobeyei refugee camp in Kenya, visits the students during a maths lesson.

“I love teaching and being with children. At first, I didn’t know how to support students with disabilities. But now I’ve had training and I’m more skilled at helping them”, explains Susan.

Inclusive education at the heart of Humanity & Inclusion (HI)’s activities

Adaptations have been made to Kalobeyei school to make it inclusive. The playground has been improved and some new equipment bought. These changes have made the school - and therefore education - accessible for children with disabilities.

Teachers and staff at the school have also been trained in how best to teach students with disabilities and how to encourage parents of disabled children to enrol them in school.

Members of the school committee even visit these students at home to make sure they don't miss class.

A successful project, adopted by the community

Susan tells us that the students – and the community as a whole – want to help improve the inclusion of students with disabilities.

“My school is different from other schools”, she explains. “Children with disabilities can access the building and move around without difficultly. Before, there were not many students. Now there are more and more. They enjoy going to school! "

Towards other inclusive schools

The aim of the project is to determine the impact of inclusive education on children, students and the community. HI teams then intend to develop an awareness plan to be implemented in schools in other communities.

“Our school works well, but one inclusive school is not enough”.

Date published: 05/10/22


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