Our international network
The HI network is made up of an international federation and eight national associations:
Together, we mobilise resources and manage projects around the world to support disabled and vulnerable people.
The HI federation implements the network’s social missions in around 60 countries, either under the name “Humanity & Inclusion” or “Handicap International”, depending on the country.
HI network annual report
For more information about HI's global activities and impact, please download the latest Annual Report for the HI network:
► 2023 Annual Report - HI Network (PDF, 2.9 MB)
International strategy
HI's mission and activities are underpinned by a multi-annual strategy, principles of intervention, and a clearly-defined scope of activity.
We work in around 60 countries running hundreds of projects in emergency, chronic crisis, reconstruction and development settings. The beneficiaries of our projects are people with disabilities and a broad range of other vulnerable groups.
HI's ten-year international strategy has 3 priority actions:
- Inclusion of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations.
- Inclusive emergency responses adapted to the needs of the population.
- Reducing the impact of conflicts on civilians.
The full strategy is available at: hi.org/en/our-strategy
Institutional policies and code of conduct
Details of institutional policies and other professional information about the HI network is available at: hi.org/en/institutional-policies